RNIDS – the Serbian National Internet Domain Registry Foundation – has relied on Odista for Serbian-English translation services almost since the founding of the organisation in 2007.
RNIDS choose Odista because they quickly recognised the need for a high-profile organisation like their own to present its international face in a high standard of English. They know they can rely on us for a quick turnaround on their documents too, with a relentless attention to detail.
You may not know who RNIDS are, but if you are an Internet user in Serbia then you have almost certainly used their services without knowing!
RNIDS are the organisation responsible for ensuring the functioning of the Serbian Internet domain .rs, and later .срб (the Serbian Cyrillic domain), referred to as ccTLDs – country code Top-Level Domains.
Their work involves administering the .rs and .срб domain names (and subdomains like .co.rs) by facilitating registration of domains by individuals and companies via third-party accredited registrars and maintaining the infrastructure that routes Internet traffic to these domains. RNIDS also does a great deal of work with the Internet community in Serbia, promoting the development of Internet content in the Serbian language and the languages of ethnic minorities and educating Internet users regarding security, promoting business online and the benefits of using the local, Serbian ccTLDs.
Back in 2011 Odista completed the translation from Serbian into English of the entire RNIDS website, and we continue to translate any new content that is added. We have translated the RNIDS corporate newsletter (RNIDS Info) going back more than 40 issues, and of their annual reports beginning in 2012 which you can download here in PDF format, all foundational legal documents such as the RNIDS Statute/Charter, and many others.
As ever, the aim is to provide an English translation which is true to the original Serbian but also indistinguishable from a text written in native English – with special care given to the terminology relating to the area of the Internet and IT, an area with which we are very familiar!
We look forward to many more years of successful partnership with RNIDS.