We hope you are staying well during this remarkable health crisis and doing everything you can to keep yourself and those around you safe. Odista is operating as normal since most of our work is done remotely anyway, so you Read more…
Author: Mark Daniels
The Norwegian Aftenposten reports on new research which indicates that the Norwegians do not know English as well as they think, or as we might have expected. The results of the research show that more than half of Norwegian businessmen Read more…

Serbian-English translations of books, and similar large projects such as academic theses, are something we do not take on lightly, but we have numerous successfully completed projects of this type in our portfolio, and here are a few examples. Fiction Read more…

Tourist Organisation of Belgrade The challenge Belgrade’s official tourist organisation wanted to make foreign guests in Serbia’s capital feel welcome. Naturally, they needed their website and brochures to read in immaculate English, so that’s why they turned to us. The English-language Read more…

RNIDS – the Serbian National Internet Domain Registry Foundation – has relied on Odista for Serbian-English translation services almost since the founding of the organisation in 2007. RNIDS choose Odista because they quickly recognised the need for a high-profile organisation like Read more…